
Welcome! My name is Adam Craven.

This website is a central gateway to all the content and links I share on a broad range of topics including: technology, life and entertainment.

The @ChannelAdam Twitter Feed contains my general tweets on life, entertainment, technology & software development *(excluding Artifical Intelligence & Data Science).

You also can contact me on LinkedIn.


Hack the AI

Hack the AI is a website specifically focused on:

  • Content & learning resources to help hack through the complexity of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science
  • How to hack the design of AI systems to be trustworthy and interpretable for human understanding
  • Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Machine Learning (FATML)
  • The security & privacy of data and AI models throughout the development, testing and production lifecycles
  • Automation, repeatability, testing and other software development & DevOps practices applied to Machine Learning.

The @HackTheAI Twitter Feed is specifically dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science and any associated software development topics.

Software Development Zone

The ChannelAdam Software Development Zone website provides tips and helpful information related to: solution integration, patterns and practices, cloud computing, Web development, clean coding, Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD), quality assurance, testing, .NET, C#, JavaScript, PowerShell, Java, and other languages and scripts, and software development tools.



Memory Skills
